E.ON Hardened AMI - AWS (stage:development)

E.ON Customized AMI Name AMI-ID (Frankfurt) AMI-ID (London) Operating System Release Notes
E-ON_Custom-Image_Amazon-Linux-2 2023-03-06T07-01-21.465Z ami-04fcd599349b9dceb ami-08309c5f5406a6a8f Amazon Linux 2 Security updates from Amazon repos as on 05/03/2023 with ISS agents installed
E-ON_Custom-Image_Redhat-Enterprise-Linux-8 2023-03-06T05-00-51.778Z ami-0a6cfc1548c55a52f ami-049f575e29522c81b Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 Security updates from RHEL repos as on 05/03/2023 along with ISS agents installed
E-ON_Custom-Image_Amazon-Linux-2 2023-02-27T07-01-21.616Z ami-008bad513141f3936 ami-05395e89864780fb2 Amazon Linux 2 Security updates from Amazon repos as on 26/02/2023 with ISS agents installed
E-ON_Custom-Image_Redhat-Enterprise-Linux-8 2023-02-27T05-00-50.449Z ami-0d7fda918dc37f487 ami-051cc6c96e85799fe Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 Security updates from RHEL repos as on 26/02/2023 along with ISS agents installed
E-ON_Custom-Image_Amazon-Linux-2 2023-02-23T10-00-00.000Z ami-00a1ff840614fe628 ami-0577bb5af445ebabb Amazon Linux 2 Security updates from Amazon repos as on 22/02/2023 with ISS agents installed
E-ON_Custom-Image_Redhat-Enterprise-Linux-8 2023-02-22T13-17-34.605Z ami-0c91879abd166f51a ami-05179dd56d40f1a3d Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 Security updates from RHEL repos as on 21/02/2023 along with ISS agents installed